Day 5 Muah

Baci! :-)

What hapens when you have a baby?

You smile more. You're not just stretching your risorus and zigomaticus more often. You're also filling up inside with warmth and satisfaction. There are so many things to laugh about, silly things like cleaning poo off the bed covers at 3 o'clock in the morning or trying to catch pee with your hands. You can't cry or scream about it, all you can do is laugh.

Apparently, babies smile 200 times a day whilst adults on average only smile 15 times. Smiling more often makes you feel positive and compassionate. You smile more often to other people in any situation whether you know them or not. It brings out a positive feeling that facilitates communication with others. You meet more people, feel more relaxed and discover new things. You feel like helping people more and you're on the receiving end of thoughtless acts of goodwill. You realise that there lots of kind and generous people out there. It's not just a dog-eat-dog world. Whatever the country or the culture people are good at heart. You can't just take note of what's wrong. remember to see what's right.

Having a baby creates a bond with any other person who shares that special experience. You have common bonds and an endless subject of conversation.

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