Day 10 Thank you Zoltan!

Zoltan helped us repair the broken back lights. His wife held Raphael while we were trying to reverse the camper and trailer out of the alley in front of their repair service. We had to go backwards over 20 metres and turn at a 90 degree angle. Mariya was driving. I was trying to push the trailer in the right direction. We couldn't do it.

Fortunately a neighbour turned up. He was a "camioneur, professional!" (professional truck driver). He masticated a toothpick between his toothless gums, grinned and re-aligned the camper with the trailer in the alley before performing the tricky manoeuvre in one-go. He handled the steering wheel like a majorette twirls a baton. We were laughing hysterically in disbelief.

The trailer can go backwards. It's just not our destiny to go back....

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