No passports

Florence, Rome, Barcelona, Tunisia and Egypt. 
Balzac, Hemingway, Gone with the Wind and Daniele Steele in Bulgarian.

How can it make sense to call ourselves Bulgarian, French or English when we live in this global melting pot of cultures and experiences. Everything is a mix. Music blends styles to create a new sound. We share common images across the globe. Zara watches the Simpsons in French. For New Year's Eve in Plovdiv we were treated to an episode of the League of Gentlemen in Bulgarian: "Are you local?" "Yes we are..." most Bulgarians were probably thinking. And what's so funny about that? English humour is indeed very weird!  But the fact that it was being shown on national TV at prime time means that there is an audience here to appreciate it.

What's the point of having a passport? It's telling lies about who we really are. It smudges the depth of cultural connexions. It creates a psychological barrier to meeting on shared experiences.

And in 1998, Fred was supporting Brazil till the final (casse! Je suis pas le seul a retourner ma veste.) And there are more Man United supporters outside Manchester and especially in Bulgaria. Not very local, is it?

We eat foods from all over the world. National dishes are a blend of influences from far and wide. Potatoes and tomatoes came from the new world and pasta from China.

We migrate across the globe renewing blood ties that were first established a long time ago in distant lands. We are just completing cycles in the global blend of genetic mixing to create new ones that follow their own course.

Open the borders and let everybody roam the globe freely without hindrance of passports and visas. Stop breaking the flow and let it roll for each to find his own outlet.

Father and baby

Remix of an eternal classic

The hunter

The hunter drinks before he shoots. And when the hunters are done with shooting boars they get drunk and shoot up the hunting lodge.

Baba Yaga

Baba Yaga is a creature that comes down from the mountains. She lives in a house built on two chicken legs. She rarely washes and never brushes her teeth. She strokes the child's cheek or hand gnarling words of praise that are in fact curses. She lures kids to eat them. And she isn't scared of the Kukeri.

Miss Marple

Undercover, watch out when she says: "Tea?"

The Burgmeister

The village leader

The vet

The local vet doubles up as the Kebab seller. He makes the best Kabab in the region!

The cripple

In the village where there is a lot of inter-marriage there is always a few retards. They are important because they make everybody else feel good about themselves however low-down the gossip ladder they have fallen. The retards and cripples can be patronised and helped to imprive one's self-esteem.

The Gambler

He has lost all his money and his pride. He even has no shame left. He begs for money from everyone. He lost all his land, cars and money in the big city. He came back to the village soulless and empty handed.

The Sex-goddess

She might look like a pig and even smell like one but she has been ruin of many young men in the village. For a few cabbages or packs of sugar she will bear her feminine attributes and lead you down the road of perdition. It is said that some men have lost all their possessions and reputation to her charms.

Chi & Helen's sister

That was a good night!


Hey regazzo!

The Devil

Everyone has their own devils to chase away

The priest

Wearing the clothes but the soul is hidden

Spring maidens

Boring, no gossip.

The gimp

In case the groom doesn't perform...

The in-laws

Family ties don't always go as planned...

Bride & Groom

Gun shot wedding

After meeting her at Miami nightclub on Saturday night he probably didn't have time to take his glasses off before accepting her hand in marriage the following morning as her father held a shotgun to his head.

During the Kukeri parade all the characters in the village are represented. And here's a few stories you would hear if you listened to the village gossip. Not that we do, of course!

Baby Kukeri

Please grandpa can you hold my hand, I'm scared of myself.


Koza is being selected for Kukeri reproduction


The festival over 2 days is fuelled by lots of wine and rakia. The temparatues are usually between minus 10 and zero degrees.

An Egyptian team particiapted a few years ago. They were wearing cotton shirts when the temperatures were minus 10. Apparently they were blue.


Kukeri brings the whole village together, young and old participate to re-enact the chasing away of the evil spirits of winter.

Chinese Kukeri

Basque Kukeri

Very scary...

Chewbaka Kukeri

Meat drying convention

Brixton Kukeri


Furbee Kukeri


Corsican Kukeri

Moor's head

Bielorussian Kukeri

No, the grandma's are not dressed as Kukeri...

Macedonian Dubchek

The best music, similar to Kuchek. It puts you in a transe.

Croatian Kukeri

They're banging huge cow bells attached to their buttocks.

Kukeri festival

Every year Pernik organises an international Kukeri festival. Participants come from villages all over Bulgaria as well as countries across the globe to celebrate and compete for the best Kukeri parade.


Kukeri is an old pagan tradition. It calls for the end of the long winter nights and the dawn of spring. Villagers dress up as Kukeri to chase away the evil spirits and make space for the spring-fertility.

Lela Mitche

Raphael's extended family


Pernik was developed as a city during communism to produce coal and steel. Panel built cities were raised to house the workers in proximity of the plants. Pernik supplied factories across Bulgaria. The capital Sofia is only 30 kilometres away. Today most of the factories have cut back production drastically or closed down completely. The warehouses lay derelict and the chimneys stand idle against the backdrop of the snowcapped Vitosha mountain. Pernik has become a dormitory city providing cheap accomodation for workers in Sofia. The traffic jams on the road between Sofia and Pernik are legendary.

Half the children in nurseries suffer from allergies.


Raphael's lunch

Hard-core solids

It seems like Raphael has some kind of iron-deficiency or is it ion-deficiency?

Our lunch

Winter salad

Zele i Morkovi Salata. Cabbage and Carrot Salad.


Ikea Turkish-style

In Bulgaria there's no Ikea. Instead you find Irakplastic at the Levcheto (The Pound Shop). On the left the high end model for 25 Leva (12.5 Euros) and on the right the cheaper model at 20 Leva (10 Euros). Made entirely of thin plastic they come like Ikea in a flat pack but without a manual to save on costs. 

His first words

With Mariya we were betting on Raphael's first words. Would it be Mama or Papa? It turned out to be woop-woop. As Thibault said you can take the boy out of Brixton but you can't take Brixton out of the boy. Well, we've found out that it is genetically contagious. Big it up Brockwell Park!!

Winning spirit

Da Koza wins the bet again, damn....

Testing, testing...

Raphael woke up during the anti-bear manoeuvre

Race on

Race to the top in half metre of snow

180 degree view

We were looking for space...

Mountain lodge

Checking out the panorama

Walk in Ostrets

There are bears living on Ostrets peak. Apparently if you see one, actually if he sees or smells you, you have to lie flat on your front so he thinks you're dead. Running in half a metre of powdery snow is not recommended.

Winter wonderland

Novo Selo village tucked away in the mountains facing Botev and Maragidik.

Maragidik and Ostrets

Ostrets peak on the left and Maragidik on the right.

Botev and Maragidik

Mounts Botev and Maragidik are the highest peaks in the old central mountain range.

Cherni Vreh

The "Black Hill" because it is facing south and there the snow always melts first.

Horse pets

Some people keep horses as pets and let them live wild in the fields. They're very friendly.