9 months old

Why is this so difficult?

Raphael, aka Rafski the granny killer, has reached his ninth month. He is crawling. He has the rage to walk and can stand up on his own for a few moments. He is big, strong and healthy, hurrah!
He has eaten everything from plugs to cables to flowers, dirt and poo (we weren't sure if it was chicken shit or sheep shit) and probably many more things we didn't see. He's loving the garden, mountain walks and fresh air.
And we feel good seeing him grow up in the grass with naked feet and a cheeky smile.


  1. Bombi needs some of that mountain air in her lungs, she's always coughing and spluttering.

    We've not had poo-munching yet, but she's drunk out of a dog bowl in the pub and then a couple of hours later, I caughter her drinking out of a shit-stained loo. MINGING!


  2. Mmmmm, it sounds like they're going to get along fine. The dirty little buggas..

    We'll make sure they also eat lots of good natural things like home-made yoghurt and cheese and bread.

    I'll send you an email. We're looking forward to seeing you!
